Pumpkin Pollinators @Adams Shore for grades 1-3

Wednesday, January 82:00—2:45 PMAS Meeting RoomAdams Shore Library519 Sea Street, Quincy, MA, 02169

Children in grades 1-3 are invited to join the Museum of Science to explore how engineering can help us grow more food. There are many ways for plants to be pollinated: wind, birds, and insects are just a few.

In this four session program we will learn about insect pollinators and their importance, and then engineer hand pollinators that move pollen from one pumpkin flower to another.

This program is for children in Grades 1-3. This program will meet on the four Wednesdays in January, the 8th, 15th, 29th and February 5th for 2:00-2:45 pm. 

Registration is required and is limited to Quincy residents. Please plan on attending all 4 sessions as what we learn and the activities we do will build on each other.

Register on our events calendar or by calling the Adams Shore Library at 617-376-1325.

Capacity: 19 of 20 spaces available.

To register, please provide the following information:

Caregiver InformationIf this event is canceled, we will use the contact information you provide to get in touch with you.2 maximum per registration

Email reminders are sent 48 hours before the event takes place.