Tree Equity (Online)

Tuesday, February 157:00—8:00 PMOnline

A map of tree cover is often a map of income and race. Low-income residents and communities of color often experience fewer benefits from urban trees than white, wealthier neighborhoods. To address this inequity, American Forests created Tree Equity Score, an indicator of whether a neighborhood has Tree Equity, defined as the right number trees so all people experience the health, economic and other benefits that trees provide. Join American Forests staff to learn about the methodology behind Tree Equity Score and dig into the tool with us to discover some of the powerful ways that it can be used to influence policy and funding decisions and achieve Tree Equity in your community.

Molly Henry is the Senior Manager of Climate and Health at American Forests, David Meshoulam, PhD, is the Co-Founder & Executive Director of Speak for the Trees Boston and Chris Hayward is the Tree Warden for the City of Quincy's Forestry Division.

Join us online(meeting ID 838 7285 6404. We recommend using the free Zoom app. You can call (646) 558-8656 and use the same meeting ID to listen to the audio. You can also view the program live on our YouTube channel.

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